For quicker, hassle-free school payments, try Qkr!
Dalmain Primary School uses the payment system Qkr! for school payments.
Qkr! (pronounced ‘quicker’) by Mastercard is an easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone at a time and place that suits you.
With Qkr! you can:
- Pay for school incursions, excursions and school fees.
- Order from the school canteen.
- See your receipts on the app and get them sent by email if required.
Step 2
Select your country of residence as ‘Australia’ and follow the steps to register.
Step 3
Find our school
Our school will appear in ‘Nearby Locations’ if you’re within 10kms of the school, or search for our school by name.
Step 4
Register your children
When first accessing our school you will be prompted to add a student profile for you child/ren. This allows you to make orders and payments for them.