School Board

All Independent Public Schools (IPS) are required under the Education Act (1999) to operate a School Board.  In essence, the role of the School Board is one of setting the long-term future for the school and maintaining oversight of the implementation of the School Business Plan.

It is not about running the school – that is the job of the Principal, but rather about providing additional support and expertise to help the school achieve the best possible outcomes for students.

Dalmain Primary School is inviting nominations for positions on the board, so the information provided below is intended to help parents who may be interested in serving, to understand what is involved.

Further information can be gained from speaking with Mr Moore or any of the current parent members of the board being Leigh Penney, Renae Mudford, Anna Richards, Benjamin Loveland, Angela Gamel, Andrew Black and Bree McCulloch.

~ Dalmain School Board

The school board is formed for the purpose of enabling parents and other community members to engage in activities that will enhance the education provided to students by the school.

The school board can consist between 5 and 15 members.  Parent members must outnumber staff members and the Principal must be a board member.

At Dalmain, we currently have a board of 10 elected members (6 parent members and 4 staff members), plus a community member (Darren Fraser).

A maximum of 3 years. Members are obviously free to leave before this should circumstances demand, but at the end of a 3 year period, positions must be made available and nominations sought.

Typically, the Dalmain School Board meets once per term, with meetings lasting about 2 hours.  At certain times, the board may feel that additional meetings are warranted if there are tasks or activities that demand extra attention (such as defining the School Business Plan).

Over the last 3 years the Dalmain School Board has been involved in a number of decisions about the school including: the establishment of the School Business Plan, the management of the school budget, the introduction of the School Mobile Phone Policy, and the review of current school policies and programs.

The school board may decide to establish sub-committees for larger projects, so that a wider range of community members and expertise can assist in decision making.

The table below shows some of the things that the school board should be involved with and also some of the things that are not in their remit.

  • Monitor the school’s progress to the targets laid out in the school Business Plan
  • Approve fees, charges and parent contribution schedules
  • Review and Endorse the annual School Budget
  • Assist with the formulation of the School’s Code of Conduct
  • Assist with and be aware of the annual Funding Agreement
  • Manage the day-to-day running of the school
  • Discuss individual issues relating to teachers, students, staff or parents
  • Intervene in the educational instruction of the students
  • Represent specific interest groups
  • Performance manage the principal or other staff members

Yes. All school board members are offered training regarding their role as a board member. This is provided by the Department of Education and is very effective in getting board members to understand both their personal role and the collective responsibilities of the board.

To attend school board meetings and then engage with the parent community to discuss with them both the outcomes of meetings and potential new topics that could be discussed by the board.

You are the voice of the parent community on the school board.

Please feel free to speak to either Mr Moore or any of the current parent members:

Justin Burt, Darren Fraser, Renae Mudford, Andrew Morris, Leigh Penney, Anna Richards.

“The school board gives parents and community members an opportunity to be involved in the schools decision making. We are able to access information on spending and plans for future school improvement and give input towards initiatives that benefit our own children.”

Justin Burt – Former Dalmain School Board Member

“Being a member of the school board has given me a fascinating insight into the challenges of running a successful school.  At Dalmain we have been lucky to have a number of strong parent contributors to the board over the past 3 years when so much change has been adopted at the school.  It is very rewarding to feel like an integral part of the decision making process and have the views of the parent community so readily welcomed.”

Simon Clark – Former Chair, Dalmain School Board


Deputy Principal

Board Chair
