Renae Mudford

Renae has been a parent at Dalmain Primary since her eldest child began kindergarten in 2016, with two sons currently attending the school.

Renae has worked in local government for the past 20 years in various roles, mostly in the Recreation Services area, including 7 years as a swimming teacher.
Renae is currently in an IT role as System Development Officer, managing the leisure management software for City of Subiaco’s Recreation Services.

Renae is also involved with the Kingsley Junior Football Club and has been a Committee member since 2019, filling the role of Auskick Co-ordinator for the past 2 years. This has given her the opportunity to get to know lots of Dalmain parents and students from various year groups.

Renae is excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the school through being a member of the board.